For Me, Your Transformation is Personal.
So, you wanna lose weight huh?!
What if I told you counting calories, doing tons of cardio and #nodaysoff won’t work?
Would you believe me?
Stick with me sweet pea. I’m gonna show you how.
Yo-yo Dieting Like Crazy
In my 20’s, I did every. single. diet.
Name it, I did it…
The Cabbage Soup Diet
The Grapefruit Diet.
The Mayo Clinic Diet.
Weight Watchers.
I even took the now-banned-heart-attack-inducing-prescription-only Phen Phen (keep that last one between us).
If you bumped into me, you'd never know if you'd see chubby-Alicia or sickly-skinny-Alicia because I bounced back and forth that often.
But here's the thing...

Growing Up I Was Always Thin
I was very active with dance classes and sports.
After high school, I started to slowly gain weight, so I didn’t even notice it all that much. It wasn’t until I was about 20 years old, on a night out with my then-boyfriend that I realized just how big I'd gotten.
Hi! I'm Alicia. Born and raised in Southern California... I live in Redondo Beach with my hilarious husband, Joe, rad son, Rocco, and our quirky pup, Maizy.
I'm a certified personal trainer + certified in Sports Nutrition with over 12 years experience of helping busy women master the skill of ease around being ridiculously fit, bursting with health + remembering who they are.
We do things differently around here...
you'll learn how you can actually use your stress response to boost your health.
I’ll show you that being fit and healthy can fit into ANY lifestyle, even if you’re as busy as a mosquito on a nudist beach. I'm a bustling working mom and you won't find me meal prepping on a Sunday afternoon or making my own nut milk.
I’ll give you powerful techniques that are realistic and doable. I’ll help you shine.
I Almost Choked on My Medieval Turkey Leg.
We were at Medieval Times (a restaurant with a dinner show that’s as obnoxious as you might imagine).
At one point during your meal, a photographer swings by your table to take a photo that you can purchase.
Later, when the photographer came back with our photo, I almost choked on my medieval turkey leg.
I looked at my boyfriend and yelped, “What in the hell is going on?! Is this what I actually look like?!” He said, utterly confused, “Well, yes. That’s you. I think the picture came out great.”
I was Ashamed and Humiliated...
How did this happen?
Who’s this chubby girl in this picture pretending to be me?
I decided right then and there to do something about it...
I was going to get back in shape and feel good about myself again!

Lifelong Love Affair Begins (My 20s)
This went on for a decade. In my late 20’s, I was lucky enough to meet two people who completely burst my yo-yo diet bubble.
One of them was a trainer who worked with professional athletes (on the Dodgers and the Kings, NFL).
He would often get a chuckle about my “read-it-in-a-magazine” techniques.
He taught me a TON about fitness.
He introduced me to a Celebrity Nutritionist who was working out of Gold’s Gym in Venice Beach at the time.
She allowed me to follow her around like a puppy dog and watch her literally transform clients for upcoming roles or magazine shoots.
At the time, I was a manager in a grocery store, but I was hooked.
I knew back then that this whole health and fitness thing would become a lifelong love affair.

All Yin and No Yang (My 30s)
In my 30’s, I decided to take a deep dive on learning everything I could about fitness, nutrition and being in the best shape of my life.
I finally decided to quit listening to newsstand “health” magazines.
I quit listening to the weight loss “gurus” who say, "The only thing that matters is calories in versus calories out" (Spoiler alert- it’s not).
I started studying medical and sports journals.
I started taking classes and reading books with big, hard to pronounce words.
I was even lucky enough to be mentored by Todd Durkin, who also worked training many pro-athletes.
I learned the SCIENCE of how to get your body to store fat OR to burn fat.
I became a certified personal trainer and got certified in Sports Nutrition.
I got “shredded”. I had the body I’d always wanted.
BUT there was one MAJOR component I wasn’t spending time learning about… and neglecting the importance of this one thing, I believe, turned into the biggest and scariest consequence of my entire life.

Kicking Me in the Teeth (My 40s)
At 40 years old, my body was broken.
Listen, in my 30’s I got fit, in the words of Keely Jones, I got Mad-Fit.
But it was how I was going about it that would lead to disaster.
I was pummeling my body with gruelling workouts, sometimes 2-a-day workouts and sprinting like a jackrabbit 6 days a week.
I kid you not, Lou Ferrigno (yep, the guy that played The Hulk on the 70’s TV Show) came up to me in the gym one day and said, “You train with the heart of a lion.”
Sounds pretty badass huh? But again, there was an incredibly important thing I was leaving out that would end up kicking me in the teeth...
Trusted By:

Thanks to a near-death experience and a major health crisis, I’ve taken my health + fitness knowledge to a whole new level. I’ve learned things that would blow your mind… and no one ever talks about this stuff!
I wasn’t considering the effect of stress... (And here's where shit gets intense.)
I mean, yeah, I had heard stress is bad for you, that it can be toxic, yadda, yadda, yadda.
The way I dealt with stress? Workout even harder, run more miles… go go go.
Here’s the part of my story where shit gets intense.
My husband Joe and I had our first child, Rocco when I was 38. The plan was to have one more.
So, when I was about to turn 40, I told Joe, “It’s now or never. I’m not getting any younger here.”
And then this happened… READ MY FULL STORY HERE

One doctor asked me, “How has your stress level been?” I laughed and said, “through the f’ing roof.” She then informed me that Type 1 is an autoimmune and autoimmune disease is intrinsically linked to stress.
This is where it comes full circle darlin’.
The years leading up to this diagnosis had been incredibly stressful (we don’t need to go into all that here, just trust me, it was). And on top of all the mental stress, I was thrashing my body with all these crazy-intense workouts. I was all yin and no yang.
I started learning as much as I could about stress. What it is exactly and how it works. The things I learned were eye-opening, downright mind-blowing.
Let me just say...
"I am loving this. This is EXACTLY what I've been needing in my life! ❤ A jump start to remind me and my body how I'm supposed to eat MOST of the time...and seeing/feeling results fast to keep me motivated! Bonus! And with all that's happening in the world right now that I can't control, Zen Monkee is having a big impact."
Stress is Highly Misunderstood
I’ve had a crash course in becoming an expert with the hormone Insulin (Type 1 diabetics don’t make insulin and must inject it). Insulin is often referred to as the “fat storage hormone” and is directly linked to cortisol, the “stress hormone”. You see, the full circle thing?
Thanks to my Type 1 diagnosis and my stress research, I’ve uncovered science-based + powerful strategies that can help you become a fat-burner, ridiculously fit and bursting with energy.

That's Why I Created The REV Method... For YOU
You'll Learn Some Crazy Things Like:
- Your metabolism is a reflection of your stress response and will determine whether you BURN fat or STORE fat.
- As we age, we become more sensitive to the effects of stress hormones (especially women) and this can result in weight gain, low energy, + signs of aging IF we don’t know how to make stress work for us.
- Stress isn’t “bad”, in fact, without it, we’d die. We need stress, but we need the right kind at the right times.
- In today’s world, the body needs more stress (the right kind), and the mind needs less stress. But- it’s not as simple as MORE exercise.
THE REV METHOD is a complete system that gives your metabolism a MAKEOVER + shows you how to make stress your friend so that you can turn your body into a FAT BURNING MACHINE!
Grab The REV Method FREE 7-Day Meal Plan + 12 Fat Burning Recipes Now"The Rev method has taught me to be more aware of my eating habits. To practice mindful eating and ask myself am I still hungry? It has taught me the difference in cardio training and strength training and which works best for my body.
If You're Jumping For Joy Right Now Because You're Ready To Do This, WELCOME! You're in the Right Place.
If there's a part of your soul that wants to remember who you truly are and deeply transform your health and your life, you can do it.
I believe in you and the big purpose of your journey.
I know there’s a reason you’re reading this right now, and I can’t wait to see what's ahead for you.
You’ve come this far, I suppose I should give you a little more info about me. But only the really important stuff (well, and fun stuff)...
- Certified personal trainer with the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)
- Certified in Sports Nutrition with Precision Nutrition
- Graduated from Long Beach State with a degree in Art History, minored in French
- 10 years’ experience working as a manager in a Grocery Store
- 10 years working as a bartender (I used to be really fun)
- Flew small airplanes in my twenties
- CORE TENDENCY: Buy and read as many books as I possibly can. My husband’s eyes roll when, yet another book delivery arrives.
- PASSIONIATE ABOUT: Saving animals and helping people get insanely healthy.
- Did I mention walking on the beach with my pup Maizy and spending the day at Disneyland with Joe and Rocco complete me? #myhappyplace

Oh Yay! You’re still here!
So how about we land this plane for now. I have so much to share, but we'll take it to the privacy of your inbox with the REV Method FREE 7-Day Meal Plan and Recipes, ok?
XO Alicia
Get The REV Method Meal Plan + Fat Burning Recipes